'Though it might prove difficult to pin on Harvey anything as distinctive as a personal style, he is without question a master of choral idiom, and of matching difficulty to circumstance.  The Missa Brevis recalls Britten’s masterwork in the same genre, but taken on 30 years.  Its Kyrie contains a good deal of glissando, but little else untoward; the Gloria is a mix of spoken and sung chant, with some quasi-aleatoric writing in the second half.  The Sanctus’ three-fold opening starts with some delicious low-tessitura tone-clusters... and contradicts the usual expectations with a stentorian bass solo for the Benedictus... The Missa Brevis is no cinch to perform, but should not unduly trouble most cathedral choirs or ambitious mixed-voice ensembles, and looks an inspiring sing.'
The Singer (Matthew Greenall) April/May 2006