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DateComposerWorkPerformance Details
26/06/2021 Tansy Davies
Henry Purcell
John Woolrich
Monolith: I Extend My Arms
Hark! the echoing air
Hark! the echoing air
WP of Davies work and Woolrich work
Snape Maltings Concert Hall (Snape, Suffolk, United Kingdom)
Britten Sinfonia/Matilda Lloyd/Sîan Edwards
26/06/2021 Tansy Davies
Henry Purcell
John Woolrich
Monolith: I Extend My Arms
Hark! the echoing air
Hark! the echoing air

Snape Maltings Concert Hall (Snape, Suffolk, United Kingdom)
Britten Sinfonia/Matilda Lloyd/Sîan Edwards