
2.2.2(in A, II=bcl).2 – – timp (with rototom Eb ossia piccolo timpano) – perc (2) (I=pno (shared with player II)/water gong/6 susp. gongs/siz.cym (shared)/large susp.cym/BD/wood chimes/shell chimes/rain stick, II=pno (shared, with 6 inch ruler), marimbula/marimba (with 4 rattle sticks)2 pedal rototoms (10” and 6”)/siz.cym (shared)/2 susp.cym) – strings ( recommended)


Score and parts in preparation

The Origin of the Harp (version for chamber orchestra)

Festkonzert 20 Jahre Mendelssohn-Orchesterakademie, opening concert Mendelssohn-Festtage

Gewandhaus (Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany)

Gewandhausorchester Leipzig/Gemma New