
Score 0571522149 on sale

Plainsongs for Peace and Light

Hall 1, Kings Place (London, United Kingdom)

The Carice Singers/George Parris

Plainsongs for Peace and Light

Musée d'Orsay (Paris, France)

Les Metaboles/Léo Warynski

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Plainsongs for Peace and Light

St Martin-in-the-Fields (London, United Kingdom)

The Carice Singers/George Parris

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Plainsongs for Peace and Light

Chapel, Cheltenham College (Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom)

The Carice Singers/George Parris

Plainsongs for Peace and Light

Chapelle du Musée d'Unterlinden (Colmar, Alsace, France)

Les Metaboles/Léo Warynski