
On sale as part of Three Divertimenti and Alla Marcia

Study score 0-571-50668-2 and parts 0-571-50669- 0 on sale


"After the piquant 'March', with its characteristic double-stopped unision, glissandos and grace note motives, and the elegant 'Watz' whose intital simplicity moves to a surprisingly complexity, the final 'Burlesque' generates almost symphonic impetus through its Sibelian tremolandos and ostinatos." The Daily Telegraph, 5 January 1983

Three Divertimenti

Amphithéâtre, Opéra Bastille, Opéra Nationale de Paris (Paris, France)

Musiciens de l'Orchestre de l'Opéra national de Paris

Three Divertimenti

Kettle's Yard (Cambridge, United Kingdom)

Heath Quartet

Three Divertimenti

Britten Studio (Snape, Suffolk, United Kingdom)

Heath Quartet