'Three Studies from Couperin, looks at the music as if through a kaleidoscope, the shattered pieces of the original tumbling around like glinting fragments of coloured glass.'   Financial Times


2(I=afl.II=bfl).0.1.1 – – perc(1): bass mar/2 small metal bars or anvils (enclûmes)/BD/3 timp/5 rototoms – 2 string orchestras (ideally each)


Score 0571536565 on sale, parts for hire

Programme Notes

Please contact promotion@fabermusic.com for a programme note

Three Studies from Couperin

St Martin-in-the-Fields (London, United Kingdom)

Jonathan Bloxham/London Mozart Players

Three Studies from Couperin

Philharmonie (Paris, France)

Julien Leroy/Orchestre National d'Île-de-France