7 results

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DateComposerWorkPerformance Details
10/06/2024 David MatthewsFifteen Preludes Prelude 12
Hertfordshire Festival of Music
University of Hertfordshire (Hatfield, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom)
Sara Trickey
24/03/2024 David MatthewsDancing Shiva/Winter Journey/Four Australian Birds/Three Birthday Pieces/Fifteen Preludes
St Mary's Church (Iffley, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom)
Peter Sheppard Skærved
07/06/2022 David MatthewsFifteen Preludes
Hertfordshire Festival of Music
All Saints Church (Hertford, United Kingdom)
Mathilde Milwidsky
17/10/2020 David MatthewsFifteen Preludes Exctract: No.12 only
Virtual Online Performance
Sara Trickey
06/07/2015 David MatthewsFifteen Preludes noon Preludes I, II and V, VI, XII, XV
No Venue (Lichfield, Staffordshire, United Kingdom)
Daniel Pioro
13/05/2015 David MatthewsFifteen Preludes
Wilton's Music Hall (London, United Kingdom)
Peter Sheppard Skærved
29/03/2015 David MatthewsFifteen Preludes
No Venue (Cyprus)
Peter Sheppard Skærved