Momentums for Tuba and Tape by Dani Howard (2016).
Commissioned by Stephen Calow.
Audio backing track also available on Faber Music.
Performance Notes
- Unscrew first valve slightly so that pressing it down quickly creates a percussive sound.
- Diamond Note head: First valve to be pressed down quickly
- Air: Air (without pitch) to be blown through mouthpiece at the specified dynamics
- X note head with letter above: Create the consonant indicated above through the mouth piece.
- X note head with arrows above: press the valve up or down (in the direction of the arrows)
- To be performed with a live microphone placed near the bell of the tuba.
Microphone to be switch on during untuned sections including:
- bar 1 - 16 (inclusive)
- beat 4 of bar 28 - 30
- beat 4 of bar 52 - 58
- bar 110 - 129
- beat 4 of bar 135 - beat 2 of 138
- beat 4 of 140 - 145
- Microphone to be switched off for the remainder of the piece.
- *Recommended to be performed with a monitor
Tape duration: 5 minutes 35 seconds