On Piano Teaching and Performing was originally published in 1983, and distilled the knowledge and experience of a brilliant piano teacher over a 45-year career. Fanny Waterman DBE has become a legend in her own lifetime. Nearly thirty years on, this new edition has been updated to reflect Dame Fanny's most recent experiences. Fanny Waterman DBE has become a legend in her own lifetime.
The book's insights into fundamentals of playing technique and of musicianship, it's shrewd practical advice and illuminating turn of phrase have immeasurably benefitted all who teach and all who learn the piano. Now fully updated, Dame Fanny offers some inspiring thoughts and words of advice not just for pianists but for all musicians.
The book now includes a new chapter about the world of competitions (local, national and international), for which she has become renowned, and an appendix with some of the thought-provoking and often inspiring "Rules and Maxims for Young Pianists" of Robert Schumann, which are still startlingly refreshing and relevant for today's musicians.