The Trois Études de concert (Three Concert Etudes) for piano solo were written at the beginning of Liszt's work as a conductor in Weimar. The original manuscript, which was lost for some time in the Bibliothèque musicale François-Lang, revealed many details that were previously overlooked. It is that original manuscript which serves as the main source for the Urtext edition presented here. The contents are No. 1 Il lamento A flat major, No. 2 La leggierezza F minor, and No. 3 Un sospiro D flat major.
Die Trois Études de concert (Drei Konzertetüden) für Klavier solo schrieb Liszt zu Beginn seiner Tätigkeit als Dirigent in Weimar. Das Originalmanuskript, das lange Zeit in der Bibliothèque musicale François-Lang verschollen war, enthüllte viele Details, die bisher nicht berücksichtigt werden konnten. Dieses Originalmanuskript diente als Hauptquelle der vorliegenden Urtextausgabe.
Nr. 1 Il lamento As-Dur
Nr. 2 La leggierezza f-Moll
Nr. 3 Un sospiro Des-Dur.