
Score and parts available for hire


Programme Notes

1) Allegro assai
2) Lento
3) Moderato e deciso ma con moto

Concerto for Piano and Strings

Assembly Hall (Worthing, West Sussex, United Kingdom)

Clare Hammond/Worthing Symphony Orchestra/John Gibbons

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Concerto for Piano and Strings

Freiheitshalle (Hof Saale, Bavaria, Germany)

Alexandra Dariescu/Hofer Symphoniker/Martijn Dendievel

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Concerto for Piano and Strings

Barbican Hall, Barbican Centre (London, United Kingdom)

Alexandra Dariescu/BBC Symphony Orchestra/Sakari Oramo

Concerto for Piano and Strings

Melbourne Recital Centre (Melbourne, VIC, Australia)

Aura Go/Melbourne Chamber Orchestra/Sophie Rowell

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Concerto for Piano and Strings

Melbourne Recital Centre (Melbourne, VIC, Australia)

Aura Go/Melbourne Chamber Orchestra/Sophie Rowell

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