373 results

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DateComposerWorkPerformance Details
26/10/2024 Tansy DaviesPlumes
The Orpheum (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Han-Na Chang/Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
25/10/2024 Tansy DaviesPlumes
The Orpheum (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Han-Na Chang/Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
12/10/2024 Tansy DaviesStar-way
Queen Elizabeth Hall Foyer, Southbank Centre (London, United Kingdom)
Zubin Kanga
21/07/2024 Tansy Davies
John Woolrich
Destroying Beauty
The Unlit Suburbs/A Singing Sky/Here is my Country/Stendhal's Observation/Good Morning - Midnight

The Green Room at the Grand (Folkestone, United Kingdom)
Sarah Dacey/Gamal Khamis/Sarah Parkin
20/07/2024 Thomas Adès
Tansy Davies
Oliver Knussen
John Woolrich
Court Studies from 'The Tempest'
grind show (unplugged)
...upon one note
A Presence of Departed Acts/In the Mirrors of Asleep/Adagissimo/Sestina/A Dramolet

The Green Room at the Grand (Folkestone, United Kingdom)
Chamber Domaine
28/04/2024 Tansy DaviesYoik II Location revealed closer to the event - Alexandria
Venue TBC (Sydney, Australia)
Ensemble Offspring/Lamorna Nightingale
27/04/2024 Tansy DaviesYoik II Location revealed closer to the event - Glebe
Venue TBC (Sydney, Australia)
Ensemble Offspring/Lamorna Nightingale
20/04/2024 Tansy DaviesThe Ice Core Sample Says
Leeds Lieder
Howard Assembly Room (Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom)
Ema Nikolovska/Joseph Middleton
18/04/2024 Tansy DaviesCanopies of Liquid Light
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ (Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands)
Clark Rundell/Asko Schönberg
18/04/2024 Tansy Davies
John Woolrich
Forgotten Game 2
The Kingdom of Dreams/The Turkish Mouse

The Green Room at the Grand (Folkestone, United Kingdom)
Nicholas Daniel
11/04/2024 Tansy DaviesForgotten Game/Yoik/Yoik II Yoik with 4 horns
Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu (Barcelona, Spain)
Students from Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu
10/04/2024 Tansy Daviesloure/proem
Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu (Barcelona, Spain)
Students from Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu
02/03/2024 Benjamin Britten
Tansy Davies
Who Are These Children?
Destroying Beauty

Manchester Song Festival
Stoller Hall, Chetham's School of Music (Manchester, United Kingdom)
Mark Padmore/Ana Manastireanu
02/02/2024 Tansy DaviesDark Ground Part of 'Hold Your Ground'
Boilerhouse Foundation (Den Haag, Netherlands)
Konstantyn Napolov/Boilerhouse Foundation/dir. Laura Vink
30/01/2024 Tansy DaviesIris
Walter Hall, University of Toronto (Toronto, ON, Canada)
University of Toronto Contemporary Music Ensemble/Lorenzo Guggenheim/Wallace Halladay
28/01/2024 Tansy DaviesDestroying Beauty
Conway Hall (London, United Kingdom)
Mark Padmore/Roger Vignoles
26/01/2024 Tansy DaviesDark Ground Part of 'Hold Your Ground'
Boilerhouse Foundation (Den Haag, Netherlands)
Konstantyn Napolov/Boilerhouse Foundation/dir. Laura Vink
24/01/2024 Thomas Adès
Tansy Davies
Oliver Knussen
Living Toys

Purcell Room, Southbank Centre (London, United Kingdom)
London Sinfonietta/Geoffrey Paterson/Simon Haram
13/01/2024 Tansy Davies
Cassandra Miller
Dark Ground
for mira

LSO St Luke's (London, United Kingdom)
Sam Walton/Mira Benjamin
01/12/2023 Tansy DaviesDark Ground Part of 'Hold Your Ground'
Boilerhouse Foundation (Den Haag, Netherlands)
Konstantyn Napolov/Boilerhouse Foundation/dir. Laura Vink
01/12/2023 Tansy DaviesUndertow SARC Sonic Lab
Queen's University (Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom)
Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble/Jonathan Mann
24/11/2023 Tansy DaviesDark Ground Part of 'Hold Your Ground'
Boilerhouse Foundation (Den Haag, Netherlands)
Konstantyn Napolov/Boilerhouse Foundation/dir. Laura Vink
17/11/2023 Tansy DaviesDark Ground Part of 'Hold Your Ground'
Boilerhouse Foundation (Den Haag, Netherlands)
Konstantyn Napolov/Boilerhouse Foundation/dir. Laura Vink
04/11/2023 Tansy Daviesinside out 2
Tung Auditorium, University of Liverpool (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
Geoffrey Paterson/Ensemble 10:10