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DateComposerWorkPerformance Details
28/04/2024 Tansy DaviesYoik II Location revealed closer to the event - Alexandria
Venue TBC (Sydney, Australia)
Ensemble Offspring/Lamorna Nightingale
27/04/2024 Tansy DaviesYoik II Location revealed closer to the event - Glebe
Venue TBC (Sydney, Australia)
Ensemble Offspring/Lamorna Nightingale
11/04/2024 Tansy DaviesForgotten Game/Yoik/Yoik II Yoik with 4 horns
Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu (Barcelona, Spain)
Students from Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu
15/01/2022 Tansy DaviesYoik II recording from Sound festival premiere
BBC Radio 3 (United Kingdom)
Ruth Morley
01/01/2022 Tansy DaviesYoik II date TBC December/January. Youtube
Virtual Online Performance
Ruth Morley
23/10/2021 Tansy DaviesYoik II
Sound Festival
No Venue (Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom)
Ruth Morley