Arietta from Lyric Pieces Book 1 includes the printed score, a written masterclass from international concert pianist Daniel Grimwood, in which he considers how to approach this opening piece from Grieg’s famous Lyric Pieces, a biography of the composer and a short history of the music – all illustrated in full colour. more than the score… is a series of classic piano music, covering much of the essential repertoire from Bach through Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin and Debussy,right up to John Cage.Each volume focuses on one piece, with written masterclasses and background information encouraging an exploration of the music – beyond the printed score. All titles in the Edition Peters more than the score…series include written masterclasses from one of our panel of internationally-renowned pianists including Joanna MacGregor, Roy Howat, Daniel Grimwood, Clare Hammond and Adam Tendler.
Diese Ausgabe enthält die gedruckte Partitur, eine schriftliche Meisterklasse des internationalen Konzertpianisten Daniel Grimwood, in der er darlegt, wie man sich diesem Eröffnungsstück aus Griegs berühmten "Lyrischen Stücken" nähert, eine Biographie des Komponisten und eine kurze Geschichte des Stücks - alles farbig illustriert.